Alexander- TechniqueBreathing CoordinationCranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle manual form of treatment. The main focus is on the connective tissue (or fascia system) of the body, in particular between the two poles of the cranium (skull) and the sacrum. With the help of CranioSacral Therapy, increased tension within the connective tissue can be detected and treated.

Individual coaching: 60 minutes
Cost: EUR 60.-
Cancellations: possible up to 24 hours before the appointment

Seit meiner Kindheit leide ich an Rueckenschmerzen, weil ich sehr schnell sehr gross wurde. Durch CranioSacrale Therapie und Alexander-Technik hat mir Beate sehr geholfen, meine Fehlhaltungen wie Rundruecken und Hohlkreuz anders wahrzunehmen. Sie findet in einer bildhaften Sprache immer die richtigen Worte, um mir mein Skelett und alle Zusammenhaenge im Koerper bewusster zu machen. Da ich einen stehenden Beruf ausuebe, ist es fuer mich sehr wertvoll, dass es mir mittlerweile gelingt, mich nach Ueberbeanspruchung schneller regenerieren zu koennen. Der Prozess, bei dem meine Wirbelsaeule quasi von selbst versucht in eine "richtige Position" zu kommen, war und ist fuer mich extrem spannend. Meine Koerperhaltung hat sich positiv veraendert und ich bin mir ganz sicher, dass sich noch andere Blockaden loesen werden - Schritt fuer Schritt!
Elisabeth Gonzalez
for whom

The primary effect of CranioSacral Therapy is relaxation.
Frequently, people with musculoskeletal disorders, tension, migraine, TMJ problems, fatigue, problems after falls or accidents, but also with psychosomatic problems find their way to CranioSacral Therapy.
CranioSacral Therapy is also used as a preparation for giving birth, or after birth as a follow-up treatment.

by whom

At the beginning of the twentieth century,
William G. Sutherland (1873-1954), a young osteopathic student from Missouri, USA, discovered noticeable minute rhythmic movements called the CranioSacral pulse on the skull (or cranium). Soon he discovered the synchronous movements of the sacrum (or sacrum bone). Sutherland is considered the founder of Cranial Osteopathy.
In the 1970s, Dr. John Upledger (1932-2012), observed the proper rhythmic motion of the dura mater spinalis (cerebral and spinal meninges) during an operation on a person’s spine in which he assisted. Upledger further developed the teaching of Sutherland’s therapy, called CranioSacral Therapy (CST).
The name CST is formed by the medical terms cranium and sacrum. The skull and the spine are also the central body regions that CST deals with. Both envelop the brain and the spinal cord. A liquid called cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
This liquid is formed in the brain and partially reabsorbed. Production and resorption of the cerebrospinal fluid causes a pulsating movement of the skull and, subsequently, of the entire body called CranioSacral Rhythm (CSR).
With much practice, this rhythm can be sensed throughout the entire body and helps the therapist determine the success of the therapy. The normal frequency of the CranioSacral Rhythm is between 6 - 12 cycles per minute. A cycle consists of a flexion movement (the entire body is in an external rotation during this) and the extension movement (the body moves into an internal rotation). Between flexion and extension there is always a neutral point.

CranioSacral Therapy and me

Part of my training in the Alexander Technique was an examination of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system; for example the bones, cartilages, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
The focusing of the CranioSacral Therapy on the connective tissue, with the axial skeleton as the basis point, was of great interest to me as an addition to my studies. I started my further education in CranioSacral Therapy at the Upledger Institute in Vienna in 2006.

for whom
by whom
CranioSacral Therapy
and me
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